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No Moon?


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Well alright, here's the deal. I was playing around normally, without any problems, until I noticed a texture issue which I had to fix by eliminating what was causing it in ArchiveInvalidation.txt. Before hand, helmet textures for the guards around the palace in the imperial city were black. I deleted these lines of text:






and it fixed the problem right up.


However I noticed after a load screen that the moon turned black and stayed that way, regardless of restarting oblivion, or not. I tried loading an old save, and waited for night, and the moon showed up in all it's glory. This was during a clear sky (fw 38eee.) So I reloaded the other save. The moon was there. So I ignored it, until I turned on oblivion again and started playing, and the moon is black again, and again every time I start that save. So I figure it must be this save file, and I don't have and earlier version of it.


Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

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Alright, I figured it out. It has something to do with "Natural Weather" you know the mod I'm sure. It likes to use eclipses from time to time. However it stays that way for days it seems....and sometimes it has a half moon. If anyone can confirm this to me, that would be great, because as it is, Oblivion seems to have a lot of eclipses. :P


Also, sorry for the double post.

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Try confirming it by using OBMM to uncheck the mod, then start Oblivion using your save with the eclipse. Ignore the load screen about info missing. If the eclipse is gone, then it should be your mod doing it.


I would think that if Natural Weather causes it, and it's unchecked, then Oblivion will take over for the moon graphics (unless you have more than one mod that affects it).

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