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creating nif and dds files


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ok, so there is this sword that i really wanted in the game, and after carefully following a torturial to create it and implement it in the game, i actually managed to make the 3d model in cinema 4d, which took a lot from me having no experience with such things. ive tried many different ways to try and create dds and nif files for it but i have realised that its just does not work the way it did for the guy in the torturial, and ive tried other ways aswell without success. so i realised i need to ask here for help.


the object is done. its created in cinema 4d if thats relevant. when i try to import it into mudbox there is a small problem. as you can see in the picture. even if i overlook that and texture the sword in mudbox when i turn the texture into dds in photoshop. it just turns into a black canvas.


what are the criterias for a functinal dds file anyway. the ones included in the game sho all the conponens spread out and separated. is it enough to just take a screenshot of the blade with textures and then save it as the three dds files, or?


i would really appreciate some help on how to proceed from here.


btw if anyone is willing to to this for me ile gladly pay you 10 bucks, not much but a symbolic fee ;)

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I'm not an expert on 3D modelling (actually I know about 3% less than diddly squat about the programs) but I'm pretty sure you need to create (Bake?) a UV Map for the model ...

Imagine the old Paper Dolls, where you could 'wrap' or 'fold' different clothes onto a cardboard person? Same with meshes, you have to tell the software how the texture 'fits' onto the mesh, that's why the vanilla .dds files look spread out, because they have been 'unfolded' from the mesh, so you need to create an 'unfolding' pattern or UV Map ...


If you have Nifskope (and why wouldn't you?) open one of the vanilla meshes, right clock on one of the NiTriShapes and click on 'edit UV' this will graphically show you all of the vertices and triangles in the mesh overlayed onto the actual texture file (you can resize the window an use the mouse wheel to zoom) it's really quite educational to 'see' how the texture 'fits' onto the armor


Apparently, effective UV Mapping is considered quite an "Art" amongst 3D modellers


I Think ... :turned:

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A chore more that an art xD, but all depends of the model and the aproach, like perraine says, u need to make the uv map, in c4d u have one of the best tools for that, with body paint u can make the uv mesh and render it like a tga file, the tga file is need it so u can make the rest in photoshop(the normal map, the specualr map, etc), still ur gonna need to convert the c4d file to and nif object, i would recommend exporting the file to a 3ds format, then u can use 3ds max to export the file to a nif object.


In the wiki page of the nexus u can find a tutorial for this.

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