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Mod Ideas-SKSE mod, ect.



  1. 1. Do you like my ideas?

    • Yes, all
    • Yes, the SKSE mod
    • Yes, the aquarium mod
    • Yes, I would like to have a crossbow
    • Yes, I would like more realistic fishing
    • No they are stupid!
  2. 2. Anyone else have problems with SKSE?

    • Yes
    • Nope

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Okay so I have close to 100 mods installed with various awesome results and some not-terribly-awesome ones.

The only bad thing I can say about nexus is that it inspired me to download so many mods my game crashed ;)

But that's fixed now by uninstalling some of the mods. :dry:

The only advice I've gotten about letting me run more mods without the game crashing is to download SKSE

(Skyrim Script Extender). Even with 7-Zip and other programs my PC refuses to run it. :sad:

Putting it in a mod would do everyone a huge favor and would definitely get you my endorsement!

Other ideas of mine which would (in my opinion) be great to have in the game include portable aquariums

(glass cube with water, fish, plants and dirt), adding crossbows to the game (lore friendly of course)and

I've always wanted to fish in skyrim, not just hand-fish (although this may be impossible to accomplish).

Other than that I hope all moders continue to improve the game in various ways and some at least consider

using my ideas to some extent.

Thanks! :laugh:

Edited by thordragonborn
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