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A little help. Rural house!?


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The term "above" sort of depends upon which way you are looking. Assuming you mean "North" (top of the Pipboy map) of the barns, then that is the Matthews Farmhouse. See this wiki entry regarding the notes. Unfortunately it has not have any entry about that chem "Sample a20x", which might have been added by some other mod. (Don't recall finding it myself.) Might look over your "chem" and "Nuka Cola" related mods to see which might have added that sample.



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  • 8 months later...

Without some idea of where this house is located in the worldspace (what's around it that has a label) or what the notes say, it's a little hard to help. Could be any house.



Hi I have the same problem haha, do you know the name.of the mod of which you downloaded it off of? Taking a wild guess, I assume it's related to a quest mod, I'll check back and reply


EDIT: I'm not sure if you figured it out already but here it is, this mod is called Transcendence by kazopert and to start it you go to a terminal located in boulder city, if you have any questions feel free to message me âº

Edited by GreatGravy78
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