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CTD when a Skeleton spawns


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I've been having these random CTDs recently whenever near a necromancer, and after checking the wiki for their spell list, I thought it might be the fact that they summon a skeleton as soon as combat begins (and as soon as combat begins, I CTD). And, lo and behold, upon trying to spawn a skeleton (with the same ID necromancers use) through the console yields a CTD. So now I'm left with trying to figure out WHY this is happening. It's pretty major considering how many skeletons are in the game...


I use a hefty amount of mods. Before I post a mod list though, does anyone have any ideas what might be causing it?


UPDATE: For the record, no mods I have used (up to this point) have edited the Skeleton's files. After installing "More Bony Skeletons and HD skeleton clutter", the game does not CTD immediately - it crashes about a second after the skeleton is spawned. The skeleton does indeed spawn and starts to play the animation accordingly, but is cut off by the CTD.

Edited by hero_lief
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If your game plays OK except for the skeleton spawn CTD, then you have a mod conflict. CTDs during the game, and particularly if they occur consistantly at a location or during some event (such as a skeleton spawning) in the game, identifies a mod conflict. A mod error usually won't let the game start, but it is not impossible that you are running a mod that has an error that is causing the CTD considering how specific the circumstances are that result in the CTD.


Start with the last mods you installed and start turing them off (one by one) and testing each one to see which one it is causing the problem.

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Yes, I've been trying that for the past few days.


Is there any way to temporarily disable all mods, and then reenable them to the point where they still have the same exact files (including ones overwritten and ESPs disabled)? I'm thinking renaming the Data folder and then using one from another Skyrim install, but I'm not sure.


EDIT: I happen to be on a computer with Skyrim installed. I logged into Steam and it synced my save. I guess let's see if the skeleton causes a crash here (which would tell me if it's an issue with the save file or the game data itself).


Also, let me state that preplaced skeletons are perfectly fine. The CTD ONLY happens when a skeleton is spawned.


EDIT2: Works fine on this machine. I guess I've got a lot of mod troubleshooting ahead of me tonight...


Again, any way to save the current load order? I know FOMM and OBMM could export and import it, but I don't know about NMM.

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I do not use NMM, I use Wrye Bash, but it seems to me I had read there is a way to screen shoot or somehow copy the load order in NMM. I don't even know where to go to find a manual for NMM - sorry.


Unchecking mods in NMM will likely not work, they have to be uninstalled to remove the files. Unchecking just stops the esp/esm from activating the mod. OBMM worked this way and I assume that NMM does as well. As you say, you may have a lot of work to do checking, but you know how and when you installed mods, so start with the last and work backwards. It may be easier than you think this way.

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Please note that when I said mod list, I actually refer to the real mod list in NMM, which contains packages, NOT the Plugins list which houses esm and esp files. NMM indexes what files are overwritten and I want to know if there is any way to preserve that. For now I'll just try esp manipulation, as I don't think it could be a resource, but a script error (considering preplaced skeletons work, only the spawn does not).
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The one you refer to as "mod list" with the packages is the "installer list" for Wrye Bash and the tab with the esp.'s is the "mod list". I'm not a NMM user ATM, but I have used Wrye Bash like Tidus44. It's just on of those simple discrepancies AFAIK.
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Through a long process of trial and error, I ended up disabling every ESP and most of my ESMs. Check it out.


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So in the end, I had to disable 5 ESMs, and then all the crashing stopped. I assume it is probably SkyMoMod causing the CTD. I'll try with it disabled and see if everything works.


EDIT: It is NOT SkyMoMod! Surprising. I'll test the others.


EDIT2: Very funny. It's actually AP Skyrim.esm that caused all this trouble. Whatever, the mod sucks anyways and rarely works. Wasn't entertaining to start with.


re-enabling all my mods.

Edited by hero_lief
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