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First time error


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I made the big mistake of not watching all the videos or reading about all the fine details of using Vortex.


I went straight into Importing from MO and then fudged the setup paths for where all the files where going to go, and then changed the paths a few times after that.


The consequence of which seems to be that my mods needed all of them to be removed im Vortex and the source files dragged back into Votex for it to work properly.


Seting up loot, fnis and skse64 was my next task and after a few hours I think I've now discovered that Loot is imbeded within Vortex and isn't really needed - or is it?


So a combination of erros initially lead to a big mess up which I think I'm now sorting out.


Stangely, and despite a full replacement of of mods from my downloads directly into Vortex, I still keep getting warnings from a SkyrimSE saved game that mods are missing, despite them being there!


Do I like Vorex? sort of...

Negatives - Adding and removing mods seems very slow compared to MO/MO2. Scrolling from top to bottom of the mod lists seems erratic with text struggling to catch of with the scroll

Theres's a lot of screen real estate wasted between rows of mod information, so Im seeing less information presented as each row appears to be double line spaced.

The recently managed window, sits there doing nothing, despite having recently managed SSE

The latest news seems to be some weeks old, and I'd prefer at this time for it to be about Vortex latest features / tips

New Files window - is that New files on Nexus, of found anywhere on the web?

Starting SKSE64 from a button needing me to press a miniscule white triangle is not intuitive when there is a button there I exepected to press that!

The Icons on my buttons for FNIS and SKSE64 have the same FNIS icon, I cant change the SKSE button.


Positives - Mod merging was a bit obscure to work out how to do, but easy when pointed out, here in the discussion forum.

The features and functions of operating this mod organiser appear to be easier to access and require less resizing of the window in order to read all of the tabulated data. Loading and starting of SSE is much faster, compared to MO & MO2.



Overall and after less than a day of using Vortex, I look forward to seeing how it develops, but at the momemt its causing me a few head scratching moments that are challenging my enjoyment of simply adding a mod and starting a game.

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