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New weapon position for swords/draw animation


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I've looked around on the Nexus for this particular flavor in weapon placement...but I dunno...maybe I wasn't using the right keywords... so if this mod already exists, I apologize and request direction to the corresponding mod.


I'd like to humbly request, to anyone willing to undertake the task, of setting the one-handed swords so that they're equipped in an "X" (cross configuration) on the player's back...preferably angled in such a way that there isn't any clipping with the body.


The second part to this request is an accompanying draw animation that has the player pull the swords from over the shoulder... (same for sheathing).


If it can be done, as I don't know how difficult this would be to do, I look forward to seeing it...if not, completely understandable, 'just thought I'd see if anyone was up to the attempt.


Game on!



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