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Fallout 3/ Fallout NV Scripting Help


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OK here is my problem, I wanted to create a auto light where when you enter the room ( used the cubic activator) it turns the light on and a sound plays, ok i got that part but when i played the game and went to my cell and walked into the room the sound played continuous. and i want it to play one. I looked on other scripts and found DoOnce and that did nothing to help me. I think im doing it wrong. Please help. anything... :)
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you could write trap, this being an example


short doonce


if doonce == 0

<insert any code to execute once>

set doonce to 1

end if


the syntax may not be right but that is the jest of it

if it still plays then you have a setting wrong in the sound object



EDIT: posting the code you are using would help a lot in working out the problem

Edited by lostone1993
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