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Stardew Valley

Do mods work in co-op


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I haven't played stardew in a very long time but since the beta for Co-op finally came out I decided to try it with 3 friends. I had maybe 1-3 mods back in the day and was wondering if anyone knows if mods will work in Co-op for everyone and how to set that up.


Thank you!

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Yes but its a crapshot when a Beta update to SMAPI or the CoOp beta, will break one alter how well or how bad they do. some mods automation for example, only work when the host has it and& host uses the mods items. even if the clients have the mods. things like CJB's mods, "The Long Night" do work but as of the latest update & Smapy 2.6 beta 5 having the Long Night mod will break everyone's menus past 2AM(sometimes they'll stay open for upto 5 seconds some close instantly. )


be aware the multiplayer update is what it is again saying it over n over to drive teh point in. * A Beta* expect crashes and disconnects (if your client) and loss of progress/items espically if you have a shoddy internet. if you experience loss of items frequently CJB's item spawner is the only way to get some things like the pickaxe or Axe back. (but w/ so many out there once you begin to freely spawn things in, you might loose interest in SDV again.)


another thing w/ this Beta if you were used to trying to wooo the town your in for a Rude awakening as this update shames you (litteraly the town makes a shaming event and will shun you) theres a few secret new items in the game, to find and a few cutscenes as well. theres no game advantage or point to marrying players.. its just a Pure Friend to friend "Fluff."

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