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Blood on ice bug fix (non starting quest)


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Hi every one,


what i am suggesting is not such really a mod adding new content, but rather a bug fix mod,

for the people who finished the imperial quests before starting Blood on ice quest, and therefore, preventing the quest from being completed, and preventing the Hejerim house from being bought!


Since Bethesda is not willing to fix this, couldnt someone be able to give the player the opportuninty to start the quest as if he spoke to city gards when discovering the corpse in the cimetery? ( if you finished the imperial's quest first before Bethesda patched it, you can't speak with them, and the oportunity to start the quest is gone, so this is over....)


Thx a lot whoever is capable of doing it, I stopped playing the game for a while because of this bug, since I wanted this house...

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