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university mod


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i downloaded a mod called balmorau.esp. it used the hlaalu council house for the exterior, but used redoran council manor interior. first thing i thought was 'dr who'

because the inside is much bigger than the outside, and in places, doors went though walls when they opened.


So, i decided to make a better one. full details onNchuleftingth. much better. screenshots soon. if anyone has ideas to make it better, post them on this thread.


if this mod doesnt get out, you will have a s*** education.


reception under constuction as i am posting this


edit: you can find the university at Ascadian Isles Region (-2,-6)(next to maurrie)

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Perhaps instead of buying keys for access to buildings, assuming this is even possible, make a "trainer" require you to do a quest (homework) in order to be trained. That trainer then can train you up to a set level, then you must go to the next, wash, rinse, repeat. Small quests, gathering spell components, or metal to craft armor/weapons, etc. Another possibility is a large quest, in order to gain admission to the academy. I've always been more of a do things to get components to get items, then do things to get components to sell to get money to buy items kind of guy.....
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good idea with homework. but id rather have it so the academy is a guild, and these quests rank you up in the academy, so at higher ranks you have access to more services within the academy. to start off with, you could be given a quest to go buy your uniform and equipment (quill pen, ink well etc.) from balmora or somewhere. i could make a study supply shop in balmora. i was thinking it could function as a thieves/fighters/mages guild all rolled into one. of course, the academy is meant to even out and improve your skills, so joining the 'college of arcane arts' means that you join the 'college of martial arts' and 'college of stealth arts' aswell.


for Daedric and Dwemer studies (put together as history[yes i know its boring]) a 'homework' could be to get an artifact from a ruin


there could also be a side quest for the chef, like gathering ingredients for him, and delivering food to students/professors


sadly i am not very good at scripting. :ranting: if you know anyone who is, or if you are, (tell them to) post the script on this thread and i will put them together as soon as poss.


the purchasing/earning of the keys:

-1- there are only 2 keys to purchase/earn (unless you buy the same one twice :stupid:)

-2- you buy one as the start of your tuition (like a deposit) to open the gates to the academy

-3- you earn the firing range key when you have done a few quests for the drillmaster (combat trainer)


i have a first screenshot, it isnt anything fancy. no doors, gates, detail, interiors etc.

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wesaynothin- good idea, i could reserve that area for.....a temple? possibly? or the leisure facilities, including firing range and swimming pool. across the road from the main uni, i could build the student workshops (more info on website)


Narynzine- if you were pure stealth (for example, not reply to your idea), what if you were attacked by a blighted ogrim while out in sheogorad? you would most likely be killed, unless you had a lot of heal potions or an intervention scroll. so you would want to improve your skills in combat (i know i would). so you go to the uni, enrol and improve your skills in combat with the highest priority, then stealth or magic, then the other, fitting in physical, Daedric and Dwemer studies between.


General- there are no buildings for Physical, Daedric and Dwemer studies because Daedric and Dwemer studies are mainly offsite (one quest is to protect a field trip) and Physical Studies takes place in the leisure building, or running 100 laps round the uni..... :ohmy:

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i downloaded this mod also, and found that it was just as you aptly put it, but on the other hand it did have some good interior qualities. i.e banners adressing the classrooms and ledgers of teachers names although the ones provided were a spoof (poindexter?!) urs could be realistic and maybe journal upgrades could be added when the player does well in the academy. I also suggest a very big library definatly including your own books. :D
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did have good interiors, larger than life interiors, but the swimmig pool was awful. just soom steps down into a room filled with water. i hope to build a better one using the balmora canal walls.


sadly, im no good at creating books either. no idea how it works. whatsoever. could anyone enlighten me and type a sample text, as set out in the editor? more than one paragraph (not long ones) and a title and subtitles, just so i know how to set it out in the editor.


and does anyone know how to script a quest (im hopeless at anything but killing, stealing, building and landscaping :ranting:)

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Lord of the Cheese is offering his master knowladge, not an oppertunity to miss :lol: , i could probably help on writing a few books if u like and a sample text for you, marxist told me about a program the other day to help create books very easily and it wroks if you have java too. Book Gen it called, have a look for that on the image in books thread i posted, marxist posts a link.
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