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finding out what makes an esp file crash


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Is there any way to find out what makes an esp file you've made with the creation kit crash the actual skyrim game (not creation kit) when you load the savegame. I've been working on a mod for quite some time and it's always worked fine, I've just loaded it up to test it and it crashes about a second into loading the savegame. I've tried an earlier version and it works fine just the newest one doesn't. All I can think of is that I have updated skyrime between the 2 esp files and that has somehow killed the file.



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Missing masters often cause this problem.


Missing meshes often cause this problem.


In Oblivion, bad AI packages could cause this.


Crippling lag could cause this. (High graphic settings, texture mods, high polycount, extra clutter, extra NPCs, precipitation, animations, lighting, background processes running while playing Skyrim, being connected to the Internet, etc. etc.)


Corrupted savegames could cause this.

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Thanks for the reply.


Skyrim works fine with the mod turned off or an earlier version of the mod running, savegames work fine except when I run latest version of mod.


The only master is the main Skyrim master so I don't that's not the problem.

I've not added or edited any meshes or textures yet, so again original Skyrim stuff only.

All the NPC's are dead ones and have no AI packages. All NPC's that are on the latest version are on the earlier version that works, and have not since been edited.

there's no lights, it's all interior cells so it's not rain. I know it's not internet or having other processes running.


What I have been doing is adding lots and lots of cobwebs so it might well be high poly count and clutter but I thought it would have to try and load the actual cell before it would crash the game.

I'm going to make a backup and delete all the cobwebs see if that helps.


Is there no way to get debug info or find out a specific area where crash to desktop is occurring?


I'll report back when I have made progress.

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I've made a backup and deleted the cobwebs from the editor, the mod now works so I think that there were just too many of them.


I've restored the backup and will now go on a cobweb reducing spree and try to get them down to a level where it works but still has cobwebs..



Thank you very much for your help.

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Ok, the problem appears to be that I have too many statics placed in all my cells combined rather than too many in one cell.

If I delete a few cells it works fine, it doesn't matter which few cells I delete, every cell works when I get rid of other cells.


Does skyrim have a limit to how big a plug in file can be or a total limit on how many things can be put into a mod? Is there a way around it?

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