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embassy help


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Hi, can anybody help me? I'm stuck in the 'infiltrate the embassy' mission. I've watched demos so i know where to go, but here's the problem: When I entered the last building, I was seen and attacked. After I killed everyone and went down to the basement, there was only 1 pacing guard, and no one sitting for me to sneak up on. This leads me to believe maybe I killed him too early upstairs? idk, but I opened the prisoners cell and couldn't get him to speak to me. I've retrieved all the documents and killed everyone there is to kill, but now I'm stuck in this mission, and none of my save points are early enough to start over. Cant exit-can't continue. I'm waiting for the guards to enter w my accomplice but it's not happening...am I totally screwed? I dont want to start the whole game over, I'm finally level 10 :(
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This must be another one of those SERIOUSLY bugged quests, like Mzulft. There was another guy who couldn't even get into the building in the first place. I never had any problems with this one, but I guess I was lucky.


I managed to fix one of my "broken" quests by using some console commands another user (Xlcr or something) showed me. If it wasn't for that guy I'd still be stuck at the start of a quest lol. Try them out, maybe it will help.


Goto this page:-



Save your game before you do any of this, just incase.


Scroll down to the "Stages" section, and see which stage sounds most like the part of the quest your stuck at. Your PROBABLY on stage 140 or 210, depending on whether or not your read that note yet (I think its the note on the table, or in a chest in the interrogation room). Type "getstage mq201" to find out for sure which stage your on, and cross reference it to the stages on that site. If your stuck on stage 140, try typing "setstage mq201 210". Before you do that, you might also need to add the note to your inventory using the console (if its not there), which is what I had to do. You should get a journal update now.


After that, try talking to the guy in the cell. I didn't know that you HAD to rescue him anyway, I thought the mission would still continue if he died, because dont you learn about that "dragon expert" from a note? I rescued him, but when we got outside there were TWO dragons, and he died, and so did the Elf lol.


Let me know if you sort it out.

Edited by shuriken88
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yeah thanks. unfortunately I'm on a ps3 so i dont think I can type the commands. I've run back and forth through the whole level like 4 times to see if I missed something, but I think I'm s*** outta luck. Wayyy too deep to start over, so I guess I'll just have to hang it up for awhile. wooof
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That sucks mate. So when is your most recent save? The chopping block lol? I guess the QA testers "missed" these bugs before approving the game for a console release. Theres not many other PS3/360 games out there that have "game ruining" bugs. Had my PS3 for nearly 2 years now. Never had a SINGLE bug or crash in any game, and I have a lot of games lol.


Bethesda RPG games & UT are pretty much the only games I play on PC these days. My enthusiasm for PC gaming has gone downhill over the last few years and I mainly only use it for music production. I feel your pain!

Edited by shuriken88
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hi dragonborn2000, was just wondering, you said you 'retrieved' the documents; but, did you actually 'read' them yet?

been awhile since i did this quest, have a feeling you need to actually read the dragons returning documents in your inventory so quest prgression will properly update and then you can proceed to the interrogation dungeon chambers - hopefully the scripts for Rulindil, the Thalmor Soldier, and prisoner Etienne Rarnis will kick in properly.

Also, while in the dungeon i think there is a chest with a book you might need to read that points to the exit somehow, can't really remember sorry, there should be a key on one of the Thalmor guards also, again, i'm just guessing.


fyi, before the dungeon, if you haven't already done so, while you're searching/looting stuff be sure to grab the Stone of Barenziah located in an upstairs bedroom of the embassy.

It's been rumored that Bethesda's patch v1.4/1.5 attempts to fix Thalmor Embassy issues regarding the Stone of Barenziah somewhat broke the Diplomatic Immunity quest.

I do not think Bethesda has fixed this yet, which is hard to believe especially given the recent announcements that Bethesda is already moving on to DLC's lol.


I understand you're on a PS3 and do not have access to console; but, take a peek at your Diplomatic Immunity quest progression journal, i was wondering

what stage you at actually at, my guess is::

60 (Objective is assigned): Search for information about the dragons returning

70 (Objective is assigned): Search the torture chamber

Edited by xlcr
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