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Krull the Destroyer Glaive


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Does anyone remember the film Krull the Destroyer?


If so, do you remember the 5 pointed throwing weapon he had. Below is a few pictures of it.


What I would like is a similar weapon. Not just for throwing but I want the control over it like the star of the film had.


Basically it's like a form of telekinetic control so it would go where the controller wanted it to go. It spun like a circular saw and the blades did a lot of damage.


Now here's the down side: While controlling it you can't do anything else, not even walk. If you get interrupted you lose control and it flies off somewhere. You should always know where it is so a minor ability to locate it would have to be implemented. It should do massive amounts of damage as the blades are spinning at 60 revs per minute and each strike of each blade should do around 10 points of damage; that's 50 points of damage per second. If you think that's over powered tough. It is a powerful weapon that takes all of your concentration to use.

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that could be hard, making it isn`t that hard, but telekinetic control is where its going to be harder, as u need a lot of stuff, animation, script etc, good luck, but all u really need is a throwing weapon with this, then u could try to figure out if u want it scripted, etc
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