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Game Doesn't Open Window, The Ends Process


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I'm having trouble getting my SSE to launch.
When I run SKSE64 (Build 2.0.7) the command window opens for a split second, as per usual, then nothing. I checked task manager and every time I launch SKSE64, SSE will open in the background for about 5 seconds, then closes. Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 doesn't even pick up the game


Here is my load order, copied from LOOT:


  Reveal hidden contents



I also have:

True 3D Sound for Headphones

Skyrim Level Uncapper

Achievements Mods Enabler




The log files look clean but I can supply them if needed


Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance


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Crashes like these are often caused by older plugins using SKSE, that conflict with the current version of SKSE. In other words: Plugins, that aren't updated to work together with the current version of SKSE yet. TBH, I don't know all of the mods in your list. In any case, check your installation of Racemenu. You need "Alpha 5" or "Alpha 6" to run it with SKSE 2.07. Also make sure you got the latest version of "Violens". These are the two mods in your load order, of which I definitely know that they need SKSE. Maybe there are more. OFC. "SkyUI" also uses SKSE, but it doesn't need to be updated for 2.07, so this schouldn't be the "culprit".


Also make sure you don't have a "missing master file" problem somewhere. Depending on what mod manager you use, watch out for warning messages or plugins in your load order marked in red or another "warning" color. On the other hand, with missing masters the game usually gets to the "Bethesda" logo screen, before it crashes... So IMHO incompatible SKSE are more probable.

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I will second Algabar. I literally just had this issue this morning I was playing with the new vortex and installing my usual 71 guaranteed working base mods(skse64, KS Hair, ect...). I checked wrye, it had everything in the green and sseedit loaded the order no problem. Once I clicked on the skse64_launcher.exe a small box would flash open then closed and the hour glass appeared. Ohhhh, happy day except .....waiting.... waiting... waiting... You get the point running under admin didn't help. Ok, cut to the chase. After a good few hours of going through all my plugins and mods finally I figured out. It was the ported mods from oldrim. Even though the mod tools said my list was fine as long as I kept either one of those in my load order nothing.... I mean nothing. Now my game loads up fine, but alas windows 10 just had its big update and I'm getting the worst fps drops. So, time for more diagnosis.



I say check the oldrim mods first see if it doesn't help

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar issue, but it appears to be in the main SkyrimSE.exe file and not associated with SKSE64 2.07. This coincided with the release of 1.5.39 of SkyrimSE.exe and its interaction with a Microsoft C Runtime module in Windows 10 named ucrtbase.dll.


Much has been written in too many forums to name about this recent addition to the Microsoft library, but most are associated with Office365 or printers; nothing yet posted about game compatibility.


The symptom is this: when launching from the SKSE_Launcher the game tries to initialize but silently exits before the CRT is linked. If one launches from the original SkyrimSE Launcher, one gets the initial menu screen and can set options but as soon as Play is selected the game exits. All cases write to the Application Event log with the aforementioned error in ucrtbase.dll.


I suspect a fix can be realized in either SkyrimSE.exe or in ucrtbase.dll but that is sadly out of my hands. I don't think this has anything to do with mods or SKSE64 2.07 but as I have over 100 mods I am loathe to reload it all until I'm convinced that mods are at the root of the issue.


All of the usual checks have been done. sfc 3 times, compatibility tests, Microsoft KB searches and tries, etc. The current version of ucrtbase.dll is 10.0.16299.248 dated Feb 9 2018.


Thanks for reading to this point :sleep:

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  • 2 months later...
  On 5/21/2018 at 4:38 PM, Mrod23 said:

I have a similar issue, but it appears to be in the main SkyrimSE.exe file and not associated with SKSE64 2.07. This coincided with the release of 1.5.39 of SkyrimSE.exe and its interaction with a Microsoft C Runtime module in Windows 10 named ucrtbase.dll.


Much has been written in too many forums to name about this recent addition to the Microsoft library, but most are associated with Office365 or printers; nothing yet posted about game compatibility.


The symptom is this: when launching from the SKSE_Launcher the game tries to initialize but silently exits before the CRT is linked. If one launches from the original SkyrimSE Launcher, one gets the initial menu screen and can set options but as soon as Play is selected the game exits. All cases write to the Application Event log with the aforementioned error in ucrtbase.dll.


I suspect a fix can be realized in either SkyrimSE.exe or in ucrtbase.dll but that is sadly out of my hands. I don't think this has anything to do with mods or SKSE64 2.07 but as I have over 100 mods I am loathe to reload it all until I'm convinced that mods are at the root of the issue.


All of the usual checks have been done. sfc 3 times, compatibility tests, Microsoft KB searches and tries, etc. The current version of ucrtbase.dll is 10.0.16299.248 dated Feb 9 2018.


Thanks for reading to this point :sleep:

I just found this:


Posted 11 August 2018 - 11:35 PM

Resident poster


"The memory manager (OS Allocators) caused Skyrim SE to freeze with the following error in Windows (Windows 7 Professional x64):










D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe



Errors like the one above only occur when the memory manager (OS Allocators) is set to true in the .ini for SSE Engine Fixes. Please fix this whenever you get back to updating this aers. If I turn the memory manager off, errors like the one above do not occur."


Since I Have SSE Engine Fixes installed, I am trying this out. I am slow figuring out what the information and directions mean exactly. I thought I'd put this up here so those with computer science experience can try it faster.

Ciao for now

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  • 3 months later...

After going through all the Windows 10 diagnostic procedures, I came to the conclusion that it must be a mod. After disabling all the mods in Vortex I started adding them back in one-at-a-time (120 mods!) and I found the culprit. Thing is, it was my own fault - a mod I used in Skyrim LE had snuck in with its own .bsa file (!) that had not been converted. As someone pointed out in an above reply, that is something to look out for.


If you have this problem, check out old Skyrim LE mods with .bsa files first and save yourself a few hours of troubleshooting !!



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