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A wife or Husband

Necromancer G

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there are quite some romance-with-ya-companion mods

using a counter for how often you talked to her would need a global scripts probably and these eat cpu power like kermit alges... just using the ol how-high-is-ya-dispo is better for that reason imo

Even if it just stored variables, and didn't run any begin blocks? :unsure:

Since you can have GameMode blocks running every frame with object scripts, I would imagine they can't be that bad for processing...

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I see, these replies will help me out when I do try to create a mod like this. But I cant do it very soon until I get to come home from this damn deployment. Also your characters can marry outside of the Elder scroll series. I really couldnt decide who my guy would marry but here is one of my choice's. Freya From Valkyrie Profile series
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I don't know if it's still available, but I use Housewives by BkWyrm13. It's somewhat limited, and

it's not a companion mod as such, as your "wife" does not travel with you, but you can teleport

her wherever you like. There are a number of potential wives/husbands in the pubs.

Maybe this mod can provide a base to build a wife/companion mod from ?

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Yeah - writing a check-for-dialogue script would eat a lot of memory... I'm not used to oblivion script code (OSC?) yet... i'm much more used to HSC (halo script code) in which we don't really give two doodies about how much memory gets used because the game is so old - lol...


Disposition would possibly work, but to make it interesting, there has to be some consequence if the player doesn't interact with the spouse. Maybe a script that slept till the player was "in range" of the spouse. I dunno about this, but there's got to be some function in OSC that would allow one to transcribe something like this (which is HSC, NOT OSC!!) except I've put English in the if/then/else blocks...


script startup spousedetect

bool playernear
short gamedate_primary
short gamedate_secondary
bool talkedtospouse

set playernear = 0

if (player talks to spouse NPC && player has never met spouse NPC)

set gamedate_primary = (get current gamedate)

[indent] if (player is > 500 units from spouse NPC && has talked to spouse && is < 550 units from spouse NPC)[/indent]

[indent] set gamedate_secondary = (get current gamedate) [/indent]

[indent] endif [/indent]


if (player comes within 500 units of spouse)

set gamedate_primary = (get current gamedate)

[indent] if [ (gamedate_primary - gamedate_secondary) > 5 days]

[indent] set spouse disposition -20 [/indent]

[indent] if (player is > 500 units from spouse NPC && has talked to spouse && is < 550 units from spouse NPC)[/indent]

[indent] set gamedate_secondary = (get current gamedate) [/indent]

[indent] endif [/indent]
[indent] endif [/indent]


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It seems BossDweebe wasnt joking about the mod but it seems just too many bland people in it.



You young blokes are just plain too fussy. Ain't no such thing as a young thing being too bland

when you're in my age group - pixels or no...lol


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