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What software to use?


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I have the creation kit and I'm getting up to speed with using it to make interiors and landscapes. However, I don't have software to make meshes or sound files and I'm not sure on a few other things.


What format should textures be saved in?

What format should sound files be saved in?

What software is best for making new meshes, new animations, etc...


Also: The creation kit comes with a number of premade kits such as the nordic ruins kit... how do I go about making a new kit? Eg, If I wanted to make an aztec style ruins kit, or an overgrown interior kit...


EDIT: I've now got blender and I'm getting to grips with it. Have so far made some fairly decent dwarven machinery parts. However, new hints and tips will always be welcome!

Edited by 09nephilim
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all textures need to be a .dds file.

No clue about sound files.

either blender or 3ds max. blender is free and so is 3ds max if you are a student.


also: you would use blender or 3ds max to create the new kits. basically you create modular building pieces. tons of tutorials for 3ds max on making them just none specifically for Skyrim that i know of.

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Ok, this was very helpful...


Now to teach myself to use blender -.- so far I've managed to create a spiky blob monster thing.


Another question: can I get hold of existing Skyrim models and edit those?

Edited by 09nephilim
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