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Strange lighting issues coming out of Nifscope (Fallout 4)

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I've been working on adding back the Bipod to the Sniper Rifle as part of a mod for Fallout 4 I am working on, but I keep getting strange lighting issues around the center of the gun when it is in game. It's not something I am doing to it in Nifscope as Ive tried simply saving the file I am adding too in nifscope with no changes and it still happens-its some-kind of save issue with nifscope itself.


I assume I am missing some kind of setting exporting from Nifscope but I can't work out what it could be. Haven't really used Nifscope much before this so is anyone able tell me what the issue may be and how to fix it? Thanks.



After Nifscope save.


Original untouched version in the same game as the nifscope saved version.

NOTE FOR MODERATORS: I posted this is the Fallout 4 modding page before this so there is a duplicate. Then I figured that this thread would probably be better off here, but can't see an option to delete the old thread-so sorry about that.

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