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SkyUI won't work


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Hey buddy you've been waiting a while,


On a Mac, you copy all the files from the SKSE.zip or .rar to your main skyrim folder, and the bits in the DATA folder your YOUR Data Folder. You get to the folder by right-clicking on the Skyrim.app and "Show contents/Show package Contents"


The Path should look like this: /Applications/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim...


NOW, to run SKSE, and you should as you will get a massive boost in FPS, right click on the 'skse_loader.exe' and click open with, go through your applications, make sure on the bottom bar you have changed from "Recommended Appliacations" to "All Appliacations",


Then find and select your "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" app.


It will open just like normal, only the gameplay is much smoother.


SkyUI will run it the Skse loaded Skyrim app :-)

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NOW, to run SKSE, and you should as you will get a massive boost in FPS


No you won't, SKSE is simply a script extender. It is a tool for scripters, nothing more.

Edited by steve40
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