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Anyone want to make some concept art for me?


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Hey I'm making a mod right now that will boost up the College of Winterhold, and one of the features I need help with is my Synod Enrollment Office. I need a Synod banner badly...it'll make the atmosphere of the place a bit better. If you're interested, just send me a picture of it to my account. If you don't know who the Synod are:


-They were a group of mages that broke off from the Mages Guild disolution in the early Fourth Era, along with the College of Whispers

-They are trying to horde magical artifacts in order to gain more power in Cyrodiil, along with more money and influence in the Imperial Elder Council

-They are involved with the College of Winterhold quest where you have to figure out the location of the Staff of Magnus


I am really hoping for some cool banner ideas. :)

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