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"Help" console command not working


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  • 11 months later...

I think I can help.


To get the help console commands to work in windowed mode, you must set the resolution to 1024 x 640 and the pixel aspect ratio to 16:10 widescreen.


Hope it works for you.

You are a beautiful person. I have sweated and toiled over this issue for too long, and here comes along the answer! Bless your soul.

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  • 10 months later...

I know it is 5 years old post, but this is for every person, that is still looking for an answer today..

*This involves using the console(which means PC only)*


the command: "help" in Skyrim (Special Edition too), does not work with the filters from 0 to 4

"Filters: 0-all 1-functions, 2-settings, 3-globals, 4-other forms"

The filter 4 (other forms) has to filter the results, showing only specific types. Like "Armor", "Weapon" or else.

The proper syntax is: help "something" 4 <form>, where <form> should be replaced with the proper type, which consist of 4 letters.

As weap for weapon, or armo for armor, or npc_ for creatures and so on...


Let's just say i need "Bear Claws" for my potions:

Example: help "bear" 4 ingr

This should show only results that contain the word "bear" and it is of type: ingredient.


Or: help "leather" 4 armo

This should show only results that contain the word "leather" and it is of type: armor


Or: help "bandit" 4 npc_

This should show only results that contain the word "bandit" and it is of type: NPC


Unfortunately in Skyrim it won't work


But it works with Fallout 4. Yes, it is the same command as in Fallout 4, but when i execute:


help "plasma" 4 weap

In Fallout 4 it will properly filter the search and only show weapon type results.

Or: help "plasma" 4 ammo

It will show only ammunition type results.

Or: help "sniper" 4 perk

only perks with the word "sniper" in it


Should be really easy to fix, but it is constantly overlooked and left out of patches and updates..


The next best thing for Skyrim is to download a console mod, that will expand the console and make it easier to scroll the 999 pages of results...


Search for "Better Console" by CDCooley

This mod works with Skyrim Special Edition



So let's say i want to spawn tough dragon near me to fight it, the proper way is to execute:

help "ancient dragon"

then lookup for the string, that has NPC_ in front of like this:

NPC_: (000F811C) 'Ancient Dragon'

then execute:

player.placeatme f811c 1

and it will spawn 1 Ancient Dragon for me to fight :cool:

Edited by Yamamuto
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