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Request of The Nomad; "Ultimate camping & hunting"


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Hello everyone


I'm playing with some mods and right now I am able to make a camp wherever I want,

So I have a camp with portable,

*tanning rack


*Small and big Tents with bedrolls

*Alchemy table

*campfire with cooking spit

*chairs, tree stumps to sit

*wood chopping block


*A dwemer radio (plays your songs whenever you like, You can put it anywhere or carry it with you while listening to it REALLY GREAT MOD)

*A fishing Net for my fishing adventures ( I even catch dragon bones sometimes :D) (ANOTHER GREAT MOD)


So if you like the hunting role playing this should be enough right?


well another mod gets me into trouble sometimes by making bandits attack my camp while I sleep, Or as I fast travel. Which makes my game perfect because you never get bored when you try to be a simple hunter in a world full of dragons flying above,bandits making an ambush or demanding your gold and so on...


But I also added WARZONES mod and now I have a REAL civil war...



All thanks to SKYRIM NEXUS and respectful mod makers


now My request is


*A Portable enchanting table

*Portable weapon racks

*Portable mannequins

*Portable anvils, grindstones, and CHESTS (especially chests)


There are some mods including these but most of them aren't working with my mods. Is it possible to make all of these in one mod? At least the portable objects?




Just think about it


You hunt a deer with your bow. go back to your camp cook some meal sit by the fire get inside your tent put some stuff to your chest, put your weapons to the weapon rack play some music on the dwemer radio go to bed wake up and kill some bandits go back to bed wake up in the morning put on your light armor go to fishing, kill some stupid dragons (why no NPC in the skyrim fears dragons anyway?....) go back to camp put on your armor from the mannequin and make some potions, improve your weapons enchant them PACK UP and you are ready to go to battle............

Its always nice to take a break from all the side quests and main quests


But since I dont have an enchanter, I have to go to whiterun everytime and I get an ambush sometimes get killed because Im not prepared...

Always have to go to merchants because I dont have a chest.... I have to sell most of my stuff

Weapon racks and mannequins are for decorating my tent with useful stuff.



Its really way better than trying so hard to get a house and spend all your gold to add stuff. And your camp doesn't have a loading screen everytime you enter or leave...


I would be verry happy if anyone can make this ULTIMATE NOMAD CAMPER mod

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