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Need help with FCOM.


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I have tried installing FCOM and have been having some problems. I followed the instructions off the websie for FCOM but i am a bit confused.


What do install first, FCOM, OOO, MMM, or Francesco. I am not going to use Warcry.


I installed it once and when i did i started playing and i got through the first part of the sewer tutorial before it kicked me to the surface and everything had the Yellow objects protruding from them. I am assuming i did something wrong while installing as i hadn't installed any other Mods so i could make sure it worked first.


Any help with this would be appreciated as I would really like to get this to work correctly.


If anyone has a set of instructions for installation that is better worded than the FCOM website if you could link it for me or point me in the correct direction.


Thank You

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