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Looting Harvestable Issue


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I am working on making harvestable versions of all ingredient models. I have gone through all the plant types and 3 are reacting differently than the rest. When I loot one in game I get the harvested ingredient, however ALL instances of that plant disappear from the cell when it is looted. I am assuming this is a .nif issue,


The affected plants are: dragons breath, nightshade, and spiky grass. (clarification: the nightshade ingredient model is being used as the plant model. Apart from the afformentioned 3 deviants, all the other ingredients are working as planned.)



I believe the plants are all technically based off of the clam harvestable, as that was the original plant I modified the base of. Then I modified that for each successive ingredient. Note: new ingredient nifs were made by modifying the originals to remove havok.


Also, I tested the new nightshade.nif on the canise root plant to determine whether it was the nif or the base object, and once the new .nif was added, all the canis roots would disappear when one was looted.


The only part of the nif I changed for each ingredient was:



Motion System

Solver Deactivation

Quality Type

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