Chilllounge Posted May 6, 2018 Share Posted May 6, 2018 Hello guys, first o,f all i apolagize if i didnt hit the right forum to ask this questions, i couldnt open the main skyrim forum, there were just 3 topic, idk... and also im apolagizing for my bad english, im dumb german^^ yesss, the last weeks i started dreaming about skyrim again, didnt played this game until a year or sth, but i was bored, cause i played it so often and the main story got so boooring. Than i discovered mods, while i was boring on youtube. I got to know most of how install mods, etc, token some days to get fit in with how to do and which to choose.2 days ago i could finally start Skyrim with all mods i installed and i have to say i like them !!! So thanks to the great modder, u did ure work more than good ^^ I didnt dare to optimize the graphics of skyrim so much, cause i dont know if my computer (its an oldie, have him since... 7 years`?) so good with high graphics, but i have always great ping in online egoshooters and good fps. Also Skyrim and other games always works without problems bugs, or stuttering, even though i dont play much newer games which need good graphics, always played the good old oldies, like gothic, the elders and some strategic like cossacks. the newest game i buyed is elex, but i dont have a graphiccard which can face that game, so i cant play it xd yeah... now to my problems. cause of all the mods i had much to try which fit how, and how to solve problems, my biggest problem was the graphic prob. started with Verdant - grass, it stuttered like hell and it also crashes after 30 meters, so i deleted it, also that mod was a bit weird to see, grasses on the street, etc.. After Helgen i had a good way to look which mods i have to delete. cause arrived to the extended riverwood the game crashed on the first door seeing. i solved this problem browsing the internet and some advices helped. I did sth with the nvidia system control making sth with the gpu, that worked great, also i readed som other tricks, added a d3d9.dll from the internet (also there was no d3d9 before in the steam/skyrim folder), it helped a bit i think, than i discovered a new d3d9.dll form a website, which had solved the 30 meters crashes or the stuttering (i forgot which thing i made helped against what, i just wrote down, what i already made, so u know what i already did, also if u dont understand my english typing, i hope it helps), it was a d3dx9_42.dll and a "ssme", had to install it, dont know what i did there, but it helped great ! yeah i think that was most what i tried out and most probs i had fixed with its. for the better graphics i dowloaded a "boss" zip but i dont know how to install and what to do with it, just read somewhere it could help..^^ i think its for organizing the order of the .esm's would be nice if someone knows how to install and to use boss For every new one who will read this and haves that problem: if u start game and after the bethesda intro your game crashs, some mods in nmm needs another plugin or something, or isnt compatibel with another mod. i had same prob at the beginnig, easily to solve in nmm if u look the mods under plugins which Masters the mods needs, usually one master .esm or .esp is missing. If u have the problem, if u start a new game and theres just the loading screen and the music, maybe its because a mod same prob like before with the directly crash, same tipthough, i could solve this cause i had probs whith the alternat start mod, idk i just installed a new one with another translation and deleted the old version so it works again (had find it out just with trying all my mods single activated or grouply activated, annoying ! but always help to find out the troubler :wink: ) yess... ähm one of my newest problems is that when i go through whiterun i am attacked by normal visitors, like labourants and simillar guests ( its a mod idk, travellers of skyrim and a simillar mod, u can see on my mod list (the pngs later) so they are always attack me now, no im no vampire and have no money to pay to the guards, cause of stealling or something. a day before (in skyrim) i wanted to sell some in the blacksmithy shop in whiterun, i opened and quick after it was closed, so inside the dude meant sth like go out or... so i went out and it was closed, maybe thats why the visitors now agressive an attacking (not all just a bunch of tham, also normal citizens), i had the same problem before when a vampire and his 2 slaves attacked whiterun, a lady added buy a mod i think (maybe shes also in the main game, i dont know cause name was english) attacked me when the vampires slave spawned, the guards only attacked the vampire, but the lady me!? yes... thats my biggest problem now, im just lvl 9 so far and probably it will happen often again in other cities that traveller/citiziens and other dudes will attack me without reasons. i tried to fix the prob with attacking a guard and than going into prison,but if its load to go in prison, skyrim crashs -.- since i solved the main crash problem, skyrim crashed 1 time, just when its loads to go in prison it always crashs quick before loding screen. so this is my 2. problem i coulndt fix yet. yeees, also i would like to add some mods fpr better graphics cause i seen beautiful skyrims on youtube, but im not sure if computer can take that, without stuttering again and more crashs. hmmm... than i have a big question. i have 280/320, so not much free place in my inventory, ca. 6000 money but i dont want to buy breezehome or another house, just the 3 ones that i can build myself with the family place, garden, etc. they the ones u get with heathfire. BUT, i think but am not sure, that i installed or read a about a mod, where i can build up a damaged house near whiterun and can make a farm out of it with workers and earn gold with the farm... but im not sure^^ it should be one of 2 broken houses near whiterun. the first one i saw its near the western whatchtower, the first broken house, (i just know this art to show u pics, using another website, dont know how to directly upl,oad a pic..) than there is another broken house, that i happily discovered yesterday, added by a mod (idk which one it was ofc ^^) its near the new added school before whiterun. i already spoken with some dudes nearby but idk if its the house i meant, with which dude i have to speak to buy that house and build it up :/ (the right bigger building is the school, behind the school are some markets and more farms than usually) furthermore idk if i installed a mod like sounded what i have written^^ but im sure i had at least saved it in my bookmarks. I already looked through the nexus for finding a similiar mod, and my nmm and also of couse my bookmarks for mods in skyrim, but i couldnt find a "building up a broken house to a house with a farm, where workers can hired to work for u and finally making money for u.. near whiterun" - mod. its not the one with the l-sharped house which replace the broken house near the western whatchtower. naja, would great if someone nows which mod i mean and how to active it, so i have quickly a new house whre i can restore my dragon bones, otherwise i have to buy breezehome )-; :D yes... i think that are my three problems i have atm. the biggest probs are the crashes, and the attacking citiziens, im sure a mod caused this GRrhhh^^ Ahhh... also i have a question to NMM, i dont understand some signs. 1 what does that mean (thumbs up? :O^^)2 same question3 again same 4 that means there is a newer version avaible than i have, but always when i go to the link for the mod, nexus offers me same version like i downloaded... where to find the newer versions? is there an installer for nmm which directly installs the newer versions?5 thats a annoying one, always when i try to install that one, it doenst work, i go to "mod activation queue, there is this red sign "a prblem occuring during install", i click it a window comes, " a problem occuring during install: this mod does not have the correct file structure for a skyrim mod that NMM can use. It will not work with NMM. The mod was not installed." i looked up the internet, somewhere i read i have to start windows in the safe mode (abgesicherter Modus[ger]), but always when i restart my pc and pressed F8 there comes this biuos s*** menu where i can do the graphics and that s***, but not the bootmenu where i can go in the safe mod. I have a purple looking boot menu where i can switch between Ubuntu, W7 and the bios settings, but always when i go w7 and quickly press F8, w7 regardeless starts windows, without the boot menu where i can select safe mod, that was so annoying that i stoped trying it and just let the 2 mods uninstalled without solving that prob. i also tried to open that menu with my windows install cs, but than it wanted to install windows again D; Ah yes, and an annoying offtopic thing, always now when i want to search sth in googles chrome directly through the adressline where u write normally the url or search somehting via google, itll search via yahooo, which nervs me and i would like back to search normal via google so i have again their normal font type and more &/ better findings. Idk, maybe i installed something that activated yahoo for searching, i had some pc cleaners and other useless stuff withinstalled, when i wanted to install some programs for skyrim from the net.. its just yahoo nervs me Here is a list of my mods i added to nmm, very nice listed in annoying links :laugh: And here my system, graphiccard, etc. I have Windows 7, producer is dellprocessor is Intel® Core i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00 GHz 3.00 Ghzram 8 gb64 bitgraphic Nvidia GeForce GT 620 yo, yes... i think that should be all for the moment ^^, hopefully someone of you knows what to do now :/... otherwise i which u a good weekend and sunny days in a dark room playing skyrims xD,Chilllounge Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorsha Posted May 6, 2018 Share Posted May 6, 2018 From NMM,1, The thumbs up sign say if you have endorsed the mod.2, The books sign is the id number of the mod from Nexus or an unknown id not from Nexus. Most of the times you can restore that when you select the mod and mouse click on the paper and pencil icon to find the nexus id.3, Rightclick on the mod and click Mod update check and mod rename.4, The yellow triangle means there might be a mod update. 5, If you select this mod, then click on the blue numbers. It is the link to the webpage where you can find the newer version For a better view, (my opinion), expand your columns The houses in your pictures are ruins, you can't repair them, so you don't want to live there.You mean the houses to build yourself from a DLC named Hearthfire. The "" is somewhat outdated, use loot instead. It is a necessary tool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chilllounge Posted May 6, 2018 Author Share Posted May 6, 2018 hAHA !! i now have solved some problems, cause i read some in the internet again ^^ first of all thanks Gorsha, Loot made the perfect load order for my mods i hope and i could update most of the mods easily using that one sign on the left^^ but i dont get that with endoresment, idk what it means and what to do so that sign flows away the problem with citizeins attacking me was easy to solve, just had to attack a guard and put my weapons away so he talked to me and asked me to go in jail and give him the 40 gold (before i had no bounties and i wasnt a vampire, so the citiziens had no reason to attack me, but i know that they will still do this later, so this problem i had just avoiding for now). The first time i payed the bounty my skyrim freezes instead of crashing (cause i activated all patches i couldnt before cause the Unnoficial Skyrim patch i didnt install), the seconde time i lay down my iron arrows and it worked -.- noow i have another problem, cause of the new activated unoficiall patches for Dawnguard, Heathfire and Dragonborn and the main Skyrim (Dwemer), my game laaaags again a bit... is there a good mod that i havent installed yet which is best aganinst lagging and crashs? to the broken house, like i said, idk if there was a mod, but somewhere i readed that there is a mod for a broken house near whiterun to build up and make a farm out of it and make money with that farm (automatically), hope that mod exists^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovusIntempest Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 Ich empfehle erstmal gründlich jegliche Mod Beschreibung, speziell für Install/Overwrite und Loading order zu lesen (Loot ist super, trotzdem ein Auge drauf haben), sonst helfen die besten Performance Patches nichts, wenn die Basis schon völlig durcheinander installiert ist.Desweiteren rate ich TES5Edit zu benutzen. Jeder sich ernsthaft mit Modding beschäftigt sollte sich da mal reinfuchsen. Das Tool kann esp/esm Dateien säubern und noch vieles mehr. Das bringt einen guten bis sehr guten Performanceboost. Im folgenden eine kleine Liste der hilfreichsten und vor allem noch funktionierenden Patches/Bugfixes etc. basierend auf der Tatsache das du alle DLCs besitzt.Patches & BugfixesUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch Crash fixesSafety LoadDouble Cursor Fix PerformanceSkyrim Performance PLUS Das sollte auf jedenfall vieles abdecken und bietet eine gute und stabile Basis. Möchte auch sagen das zu viel Patches manchmal auch das Gegenteil bewirken können, deshalb immer schrittweise Mods aktivieren und mal kurz ins Spiel schauen was sich so ändert - Alternate Start - Live Another Life hilft da natürlich prima, ebenso auch No bethesda Intro. Spart Zeit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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