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Mass Summon?


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So, it's been a while since I started modding, and I just learnt how to make custom conjuration spells (you know, with like chickens and dragons). But I've been trying to find out how the heck to be able to do a mass summon (conjuring more than one when you cast the spell, and making the currently summoned ones not dissappear when you use the spell again).


I hope you guys can help me! Thanks.

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Create a magic effect for each 1 of the summons, link it to a spell, then create a script (New magic effect, select Script), before doing the source (coding) add the properties of each summon, New property - SPELL, find your custom one's and add them. Right click on the script and select edit source, you should see (if you add the properties), if you didnt add them you can type it manually and add it later, follow the structure:


SPELL property (YourSpell1) auto

SPELL property (YourSpell2) auto etc etc, depending on how much u add, at the bottom of this add:


EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)


YourSpel2.Cast(Caster) etc



if you want u can add after


EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

YourSpell1.Dispel(Caster) etc etc (this would occur when your timer runs out, that you set the spell 2)


You can tie the script to any other magic effect, for instance a summon dremora lord spell (Magic effect), magic effect is what the spell calls, in game


hope this helps.

Edited by Havoc6k
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