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Used racemenu, now my Health, Magika and Stamina reset

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Hey! So I used race menu last night and I didn't realize but it's reset my health and magika and stamina to what it is when you first start the games.

Are there any console commands I can use to level up? I'm only level 20 but still, I'll get my ass handed to me trying to do these quests. I wondered why I was getting killed so easily

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You can take random skills and level them up 100 until you reach lvl20. Leveling 1 skill from 15 to 100 will net 17 characters levels.


use player.advskill <skillname> <experience>


for example, to level up alchemy from 15 to 100 using the console command:


player.advskill alchemy 442000


Skills affected by race bonuses will require a slightly higher number.

Edited by Rasikko
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