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RSchildren playable


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Playable RS kids was moved to an option inside the RS kids main download installer. I don't remember if I had to do something apart from Immersive Children Mortality Fix and setting the kid in question's behaviour to Brave or Foolhardy. I got them to fight me eventually but they couldn't really fight very well.


Wow, this post is pretty damning.

Edited by Augh3d
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If anyone plays this mod. please tell me

does the collision on children work differantly than it does on adult races? I'm wondering if the child races use a smaller collision or not. In the vanilla game, children use the same skeleton.nif as the adult races do.

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It uses a rescaled XPMSE as far as I know. I don't play one but have made them just to try it out in the past. Tell me an acid test that will actually work and I could try it out for you. Most situations I can think of for checking collision ingame are so vague with adult characters it wouldn't make much difference or be very useful for logistics, I still "run in to" stuff a good couple of feet above my character's head as an adult character in a lot of places so I'm not sure how to get very accurate metrics.

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