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Stardew Valley

Any "End Game" (post Community center) Encompasing mods?


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if its one thing it seems Stardew has had to deal with its no real decent goal thats not player orientated once you complete the Community center (to drive out Joja Mart. ) which i understand is the primary Goal. but with the Multiplayer beta, going thru this "Goal" is faster depending how well you manage yourself. and the potential for something more is here now that we can play w/ friends (even if Desync's a PITA causing frequent Disconnects depending on yours andor the host's net)


i honestly never took a look at SDV's mods till the Co-Op Beta, so i'm quite unaware of any existing level of mods that add a fair deal of things to do that can be either saved for after the community center/aimed for after its done. if there is any even if just atm only for 1.2, can people be kind and link them here?

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