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Mod Request: Edit the Ancient Falmer Crown/Ivory Crown so it is no longer a circlet.


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I've tried my damnedest to do this myself, but simply cannot get it to work. I have a mod that adds in hoodless versions of dragon priest masks, and want to wear one with the crown, however they are both classified as circlets, and are therefore incompatible with each other. In other words, I would like it to use up a different slot, so that I can wear both. I think I had gotten it, but I have no clue where the .nif files are to open it in NifSkope. Using the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (USLEEP) if that matters any.

(First ever forum post, even after three years, so my formatting may be a bit off.)

Edited by SkyrimRonzo
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HI SkyrimRonzo,


Here you go :D https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91480?tab=description




Just a few infos if you want to know how to do it:



You need to change the slot in the Nif-File and in CK for the Armor and ArmorAddon.


To get the nif-files you need to, depending on the item, open either meshes.bsa, dawnguard.bsa, dragonborn.bsa or hearthires.bsa with a tool like BSAUnpacker, then extract them.


Once you have your modified Nif-File(s) in place, import them into the ArmorAddon Item (here the Ivory Crown). In this case I didn't need to change the Armor-Nif...I think... :O Well the mod seems to work so I'm sure it's fine.


Have fun! And feel free to ask any questions :smile:

Edited by Manchu500
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