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Construction Set Crash


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Not at all sure what is going on but now whenever I press the F key in the CS to drop an object the CS crashes. Was working just fine last night since I dropped a bunch of items and I haven't changed anything since then. This is making it very tough to build though so hopefully someone can provide a solution quickly...
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Everyone's CS seems to work differently. For example, unless I start the CS first, before everything else, it won't work for me. A friend of mine got a crash whenever he pressed the AI button.


I think if you press F and there is nothing for the object to drop onto, it can cause a crash. So press T and make sure the object is above something before dropping it. Other than that, restarting the CS or PC may help. Other than that, I'm not sure.

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Looks like that might have been the problem. Makes sense I suppose and I'll just have to be a little more careful. Probably worked fine last night because I was dropping exteriors onto land, always something to land on there.
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