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Glowing eye things inside my Argonian's head


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So for a while on my Argonian character I'd been noticing a strange blue light streak by whenever I moved my head around quickly. In third person I'd see it coming out the back of his head.

One time I clipped inside of his head while he was standing against something and... saw THIS.

They don't even line up with his actual eyes. The hell is this?! Has anyone else gotten this problem?


I can't remember when exactly I started noticing this.

Edited by Sukid
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This is a bug with certain shouts and spells (detect life), Aura Whisper and using night-eye for Khajiit (or a mod that allows it in any character). Fast travel may clear it, as may loading an earlier save - which sounds like it may be probelmatic for the OP since they don't know when this started. Someone had posted previously that using console and using the "sexchange" command two or three times may also fix the bug. Of course there is is final solution - uninstall and reinstall.


I have not seen anything else on clearing this bug.

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Sexchange doesn't fix it. ... well, it does, for a while. It fixes it until I either save and reload or go first-person again.


I even changed race for a while and it persisted. I guess I'll try the clean save or install/reinstall approach... Or just not care. :P Only using this character for testing my own mods these days.

Edited by Sukid
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Sorry for the double post but found the soution. On youtube of all places.


"For anybody having this bug, try this:

- In third person, open the console and enter "player.addspell 000f71d1"

- Close the console and notice a slight darkening around your character

- Open the console again and enter "player.removespell 000f71d1"

- Close the console and your eyes should stop glowing.

This fixed it on my character, where the "sexchange" fix mentioned in other places was only temporary. BTW, the code above applies to the draugr abilities spell."

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  • 2 months later...

A bit of necromancy here.


Has anyone thought about making a mod that'll properly place "glowing eyes" for Argonians and/or Khajiits? 'Cuz I think it's pretty cool effect, after all.


[After 2 days] No? ;(

Edited by Sebastianus
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  • 1 month later...
Oh sweet, there already was a topic about this. Happened to my nord character today, tried fixing with fiddling around in the racemenu, same result as sexchange. Above solution fixed it completely. Thanks, you made my day.
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