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Shalidor's Maze


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Hello All, First post on this forum btw


I have a long list of mods installed with the NMM mostly based on the STEP guide (with some other mods tailored to my own taste), so far the game was completely bug free until i walked into Shalidor's Maze,

right when I assume the maze would start after you obtain the staffs the walls and floor are completely missing, some of the decor is just floating in place. I can literally walk right off the edge and die from hitting some invisible flooring some were below. I think its pretty obvious a mod is causing this but I have a large number of mods installed. If anyone has experienced this problem, or maybe has any idea of what type of mod (textures, house mods, ect) could cause this. A while back i had a player home installed and it somehow took out half the beginning dungeon area when you escape with Rolaf in the beginning scene. But I already tried turning off any player home mods I had. Just need some direction so I don't facebash my computer for the next several hours ^.^

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