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it is possible to combine clothes in a armor list?


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Hello, I have this five armors for the Recruit Legionary, ok? But armor and helmet are part of a set.


The armors for this npc are on these two lists


CondLegionArmorRecruit and the CondLegionHelmetRecruit


Ok, there´s a way to put all the armors and the helmets in this lists and have them match?


Like a script or something. If Legionary equip Armor 01 then he ALWAYS equipHelmet 01, never helmet 02 to 05.





The armors for this npc are on these two lists


Or not =/

Change this only changes the ones in the Fort. how to change ALL the recruits, including the dead?

Edited by YanL
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It's been a looooooong time since I played Fallout 3, but the raiders are not like that? The Blastmaster always wears the corresponding helmet, the painspike too and so on

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They're just going to pick whatever armour has the most protection, so you can make sure the armour with the highest DT matches the helmet with the highest DT, but if you're still using item condition levelled lists, then we can maybe do an array script at the beginning of the game? I'm assuming I'll have to write that, haha.


So, if you want to do that, make a levelled list with the same item conditions as vanilla, but one for each armour and helmet. Then, don't give them to anyone but tell me what they're called and tell me which items correspond to which legionary types, in some neatly organised list for my quick reference.

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You want to give an npc a leveled list that will give them a matched set of armor? That's really easy actually click leveled item in the object menu, and scroll down till you find "withammo" followed by the name of a weapon. Double click it, change the formID to whatever then replace the weapon and ammo with the armor pieces (or leveled lists) you want, then save it as a new form. Simple.
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Oh, I forgot Levelled Lists can be contained within Levelled Lists. Jesus, that just made everyone's life easier, haha. Thanks for that.


So, YanL, to do what you want, you want your levelled lists like this:



Legionary Recruit Inventory
    Legionary Recruit Armour List
        Legionary Recruit Armour 1 List
        |   |
        |   |
        |   LRA1 Helmet Condition List
        |   |   |
        |   |   |
        |   |   LRA1 Helmet Condition 20%
        |   |   LRA1 Helmet Condition 40%
        |   |   LRA1 Helmet Condition 60%
        |   |   LRA1 Helmet Condition 80%
        |   |   LRA1 Helmet Condition 100%
        |   |
        |   |
        |   LRA1 Armour Condition List
        |       |
        |       |
        |       LRA1 Armour Condition 20%
        |       LRA1 Armour Condition 40%
        |       LRA1 Armour Condition 60%
        |       LRA1 Armour Condition 80%
        |       LRA1 Armour Condition 100%
        Legionary Recruit Armour 2 List
        |   |
        |   |
        |   LRA2 Helmet Condition List
        |   |   |
        |   |   |
        |   |   LRA2 Helmet Condition 20%
        |   |   LRA2 Helmet Condition 40%
        |   |   LRA2 Helmet Condition 60%
        |   |   LRA2 Helmet Condition 80%
        |   |   LRA2 Helmet Condition 100%
        |   |
        |   |
        |   LRA2 Armour Condition List
        |       |
        |       |
        |       LRA2 Armour Condition 20%
        |       LRA2 Armour Condition 40%
        |       LRA2 Armour Condition 60%
        |       LRA2 Armour Condition 80%
        |       LRA2 Armour Condition 100%
        Legionary Recruit Armour 3 List (with lists as above)
        Legionary Recruit Armour 4 List (with lists as above)
        Legionary Recruit Armour 5 List (with lists as above)



Edited by EPDGaffney
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Armor condition 30, 40 or 50%




So what are you saying is that a list can contain sublists? Got it, but I still do not understand how it will match two lists, armor with its matching helmet.


I sorry, I´m very bad a this kind of thing


You want to give an npc a leveled list that will give them a matched set of armor? That's really easy actually click leveled item in the object menu, and scroll down till you find "withammo" followed by the name of a weapon. Double click it, change the formID to whatever then replace the weapon and ammo with the armor pieces (or leveled lists) you want, then save it as a new form. Simple.


EDIT: Sorry, my bad English confused me, now I think I understood. I'm going to test the geck and say the result.


I'm also having difficulty changing the NPC's. I have to go in EACH OF THEM? I think it has something to do with that NPC template, right? I can not change this guy

Edited by YanL
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"So what are you saying is that a list can contain sublists? Got it, but I still do not understand how it will match two lists, armor with its matching helmet."


There's a little checkbox that says use all. Just about every weapon that uses ammo uses a list like that. Sublists and all. The weapon's chosen from a list with a few instances of varying condition, and the ammo is usually picked from multiple draws from a list that has just one round with a chance of none.



"They are armor, in fact, but the principle would be the same?"


Yes. I've used it for basically the same thing before, except I also included the fill kit. (weapons, ammo, armor, misc stuff.... everything)

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There´s something that I´m doing wrong




AAARecruitArmorList contain these 3 sets of armor. But the NPCs are only wearing the armor and the helmet circled in red.

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Just change the ones that have Template in their IDs.



You can't change the inventory of an NPC that inherits it from another actor, but you can check here to see from which actor they inherit that inventory.



In my above list, Legionary Recruit Armour List should use just one sub-list, Legionary Recruit Armour 1 List should use all its sub-lists, LRA1 Helmet Condition List should use just one of its items, and LRA1 Armour Condition List should use just one of its items.

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