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it is possible to combine clothes in a armor list?


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So, your problem in that image is that AAARecruitArmorsList should not have Use All ticked, and the armours that keep turning up probably have the highest DT. If you selected the NPCs in the console and typed ShowInventory, they probably have all six apparel items but are wearing the most protective ones.

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Uncheck use all on the one that chooses from the 3 other lists.


Oh my, IT WORKED http://www.startselect.com.br/forum/images/emoticons/loles.gif


If you selected the NPCs in the console and typed ShowInventory, they probably have all six apparel items but are wearing the most protective ones.


Not really. Uhmattbravo knew very well what he was talking about. ^^ They only use a combo set and do not have the others.


But that´s a good point. DT is the same for all items, but I will increase one of them and see what happens.

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Done. I double the DT for the "recruit blastmaster" and nothing change, still a coin toss.


This is REALLY cool, you know? I can differentiate the armors, making some stronger and some weaker.

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Glad you got it working.


Matt and I were more or less saying the same thing. I was saying that when you had Use All ticked on everything, then they should have had all six armours and should select the 'best' ones to wear.


Now that the first list does not have Use All, the game should randomly select just one set and give them that, which is what's happening.

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"This is REALLY cool, you know? I can differentiate the armors, making some stronger and some weaker."


Yeah, it works pretty well. Like I said, I use a similar setup for randomly generated infantry in a mod i've been working on for a while now. It keeps them nice and varied.




Glad you got it working.


Matt and I were more or less saying the same thing. I was saying that when you had Use All ticked on everything, then they should have had all six armours and should select the 'best' ones to wear.


Now that the first list does not have Use All, the game should randomly select just one set and give them that, which is what's happening.

Yes. I saw that too, just didn't have the time to type out what was happening.

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All's well that ends well I suppose.


Indeed. Thank you bouth. ^^


Just change the ones that have Template in their IDs.



You can't change the inventory of an NPC that inherits it from another actor, but you can check here to see from which actor they inherit that inventory.



In my above list, Legionary Recruit Armour List should use just one sub-list, Legionary Recruit Armour 1 List should use all its sub-lists, LRA1 Helmet Condition List should use just one of its items, and LRA1 Armour Condition List should use just one of its items.

Not work :sad:
only for the dead ones and for the ones in the Fort (this ones I already had cover)
I´ve been trying to make this work for days. In desperation I've changed all those people too, using the boxes "Use the Actor Effect List" and "Use Inventory"
Not only did not do anything, as now I'm afraid of having changed something important and everyone now will have the same voice or face or whatever else
Edited by YanL
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Well, it turns out I was mistaken and they did in fact put a lot of Legionaries in the game that don't inherit their inventory from a template. You can check whether they do or don't by looking at the spot I highlighted in my second linked image:


All the Legionaries that don't inherit their inventory will need to be changed individually.


Actor Effects won't have any impact here, so ignore that.

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