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just a lot of questions, trying to make game work properly.

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I'm trying to fix my game, lag spikes everywhere, 20 and below fps near good neighbor, depending on where i look, one direction is 60 fps, another is 14.


I've come to understand that previs combine or whatever is it can be a big issue. i know that the boston fps fix is something that'll soothe my fps ails. However, I use a large amount of mods, some definitely f*#@ the previs. making boston fps fix incompatible.

so basically, what mods that f*#@ the previs aren't worth it?


Beantowns interiors,

Regrowth overhaul v10


Are the two main mods but i know a lot of others do s#*! as well.


Another thing, Load order, I've just assumed loot would be fine, but i guess with 280 mods it can't quite cut it.

Is there some kind of load order guide that i can follow to organise my mods a bit, because i have no clue how to organise them other than what it says on the mod page, and most dont say anything.


I'm certain my pc isn't up for running this un-optimised game with all these mods on ultra at 60 fps everywhere.

I'll list specs anyways.

GTX 1080 (yea boyyy)

Core I7 4770 (I'm pretty sure i need a newer cpu with more than 4 cores)

8 gigs of ram


I've been f*#@ing around with the game settings but i can't make the area near goodneighbor run well, and everywhere is always having lag spikes.

So who knows of any mods that cause a s#*! load of lag / crashes that aren't worth it?

I don't have any settlement mods installed because i know they f*#@ s#*! up (specifically the clean up ones).

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I can tell you if you have over 256 mods, it's time to look into combining some mods. ESL files are excused from the limit, but all else is fair game. Wyre bash can help, but I'd rather combine things myself so I know what's in there. Stand alone mods are good for combining. If you have Valdacil's Item sorting and that has finally stopped updating itself, then if you can get it combined, great (that will free 5 or 6 right off with all the options that mod has).


Good hunting to you.

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Having fewer plugins will definitely help, especially if you go to the trouble of packing the assets in ba2 archives after your merge is complete. Merging is a pretty deep rabbit hole, but if you do it right it'll make it possible to keep cramming in mods, and keep the performance at it's best. Head over to the merge plugins page in the skyrim mods, and check out mator and GP's tutorials on the subject.


As far as load order is concerned, I keep like mods together, ie armor with armor, weapon with weapon etc. Mechanic/gameplay mods at the top, world space/quest mods next and npc/companion/player character mods after, then settlement, weapons, faction stuff, armors, with everything that specifies low load order at the bottom, and finally any LL patches I'm running. Check out some of Gambit's written FAQs on load order over on the armorsmith page, he gives good advice on getting a handle on your load order.


As far as getting it stable, especially around goodneighbor, you're going to have to find a balance between having a lot of mods, having a good frame rate and having the graphics jacked up. Try screwing with the draw distance settings and your shadow res settings in your ini files, that has helped me a ton. I've also cut all the flora mods that add lots of grasses and stuff, because those ruin my frame rate. This isn't a streamlined action game, it's a game where you like to tinker with it's insides, and that causes problems. You may just have to live with some FPS hiccups if you want all those mods.

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