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A Semi-Original Mask Mod


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Lately I've been looking for a mask for my armor set that I'm using, but most of the masks really don't fit into the game very well. I was wondering if someone would be able to take the mask from the nightingale hood and make it into a standalone mask.
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I approve of this, but when I created this topic earlier, it vanished into the depths pretty quickly. :( Hopefully you'll have better luck.


By standalone, do you mean in a new slot so that full sets of robes/armor can be worn with it or do you mean simply 'separate' as in it takes up the 'head' armor slot?


I mean that it takes up a separate slot from your helm.


If you don't care about the helmet, this is one that fits the bill somewhat.



Edited by kklusmeier
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I approve of this, but when I created this topic earlier, it vanished into the depths pretty quickly. :( Hopefully you'll have better luck.


By standalone, do you mean in a new slot so that full sets of robes/armor can be worn with it or do you mean simply 'separate' as in it takes up the 'head' armor slot?


I mean that it takes up a separate slot from your helm.


If you don't care about the helmet, this is one that fits the bill somewhat.




That may work, but yes I was speaking of one that you could wear a head item with.

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