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How to delete references inside an array?

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I've made this fairly ambitious mod, that searches 500 units around the player, finds any items that have been dropped, and replaces them with statics.


I've got the bulk of the work done, and it works just fine. Only problem is that I can't seem to delete the original items. One or two items are removed, but the rest just stay put.


Here's the big ass function:



Function ConvertItemsIntoStatics(bool bMakeStatic)
    bIterating = true
    int iFormListIndex = 0
    ObjectReference[] objrefarrayToDelete
    While iFormListIndex < iNestedFormlistCount
        FormList formlistSourceCurrent = AAAFyTy_MasterFormList_Source.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList
        FormList formlistDestCurrent = AAAFyTy_MasterFormList_Dest.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList
        ObjectReference[] objrefarrayFoundItems
        if bMakeStatic == true
            objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistSourceCurrent, iDistance)
            Debug.MessageBox("Looking for Items")
            objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistDestCurrent, iDistance)
            Debug.MessageBox("Looking for Statics")
        int iFoundItemsCount = objrefarrayFoundItems.Length
        int iFoundItemIndex = 0
        if iFoundItemsCount > 0
            Debug.MessageBox("Found Items")
            While iFoundItemIndex < iFoundItemsCount
                ObjectReference objrefFoundItem = objrefarrayFoundItems[iFoundItemIndex] as ObjectReference
                int iBaseObjectIndex
                float fPosX = objrefFoundItem.GetPositionX()
                float fPosY = objrefFoundItem.GetPositionY()
                float fPosZ = objrefFoundItem.GetPositionZ()
                float fRotX = objrefFoundItem.GetAngleX()
                float fRotY = objrefFoundItem.GetAngleY()
                float fRotZ = objrefFoundItem.GetAngleZ()
                if bMakeStatic == true
                    Debug.MessageBox("Making into static")
                    iBaseObjectIndex = formlistSourceCurrent.Find(objrefFoundItem.GetBaseObject())
                    ObjectReference objrefNewStatic = PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(formlistDestCurrent.GetAt(iBaseObjectIndex), 1, false, false, false)
                    objrefNewStatic.SetAngle(fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ)
                    objRefNewStatic.SetPosition(fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ)
                    Debug.MessageBox("Making into items")
                    iBaseObjectIndex = formlistDestCurrent.Find(objrefFoundItem.GetBaseObject())
                    ObjectReference objrefNewItem = PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(formlistSourceCurrent.GetAt(iBaseObjectIndex), 1, false, false, false)
                    objrefNewItem.SetAngle(fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ)
                    objrefNewItem.SetPosition(fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ)
                iFoundItemIndex += 1
                Debug.MessageBox("Increasing Found Item Index")


        iFormListIndex += 1
        Debug.MessageBox("Increasing Form List Index")
    While objrefarrayToDelete.Length > 0
        ObjectReference objrefToDelete = objrefarrayToDelete[objrefarrayToDelete.Length - 1] as ObjectReference
    bIterating = false


How it works, is that the found items are put into the objrefarrayToDelete array, which is then iterated through at the end of the function after the items have had their static versions placed. But only a couple of items are removed in the delete loop.


I assume that I'm f*#@ing something up, as deleting the objects in the main loop causes it to hang, while also only deleting a couple of the items.


Any ideas?

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Breaking them up into separate functions, would be my first approach to tackling this issue.


Unfortunately, that didn't work. Made a new function that just deletes what it finds, but only a couple items are deleted as before.



Function DeleteItems(bool bDeleteItems)
    int iFormListIndex = 0

    While iFormListIndex < iNestedFormlistCount
        FormList formlistSourceCurrent = AAAFyTy_MasterFormList_Source.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList
        FormList formlistDestCurrent = AAAFyTy_MasterFormList_Dest.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList

        ObjectReference[] objrefarrayFoundItems

        if bDeleteItems == true
            objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistSourceCurrent, iDistance)
            ;Debug.MessageBox("Looking for Items")
            objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistDestCurrent, iDistance)
            ;Debug.MessageBox("Looking for Statics")
        int iFoundItemsCount = objrefarrayFoundItems.Length
        int iFoundItemIndex = 0
        if iFoundItemsCount > 0
            While iFoundItemIndex < iFoundItemsCount
                ObjectReference objrefFoundItem = objrefarrayFoundItems[iFoundItemIndex] as ObjectReference


                iFoundItemIndex += 1


        iFormListIndex += 1


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How many iFoundItemsCount array elements are you getting, anywhere near 128 ?


Rather than async .DeleteWhenAble() try the slower but possibly thread safer .Delete()

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How many iFoundItemsCount array elements are you getting, anywhere near 128 ?


Rather than async .DeleteWhenAble() try the slower but possibly thread safer .Delete()


In my current tests, there's only around 15 items. DeleteWhenAble nor Delete are called upon all the items. And neither is Disable(), no matter the combination of functions (just Disable(), Disable() and Delete(), Disable() and DeleteWhenAble()).

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Looking at some working code, the only difference is the ObjectReference to be deleted is defined outside of the logic block at a higher scope:

Int iCount = QuestObjectRefs.Length
ObjectReference DeleteRef
Int iIndex = 0 
While iIndex <  iCount 
	DeleteRef =  QuestObjectRefs[iIndex] 
	iIndex +=1

so you may want to pop the ObjectReference objrefFoundItem declaration before your While block.


Update for remembering things: and While loops do not seem to like the count changing so I tend to fix it rather than an elegant sliding count and index.

Edited by SKK50
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Looking at some working code, the only difference is the ObjectReference to be deleted is defined outside of the logic block at a higher scope:

Int iCount = QuestObjectRefs.Length
ObjectReference DeleteRef
Int iIndex = 0 
While iIndex <  iCount 
	DeleteRef =  QuestObjectRefs[iIndex] 
	iIndex +=1

so you may want to pop the ObjectReference objrefFoundItem declaration before your While block.


Update for remembering things: and While loops do not seem to like the count changing so I tend to fix it rather than an elegant sliding count and index.


Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.


I have found a very un-ideal workaround; I can successfully call MoveTo() on the objects inside the array, when I call it inside the main loop. The items aren't deleted, but at least they're removed from the player's cell.

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