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Making equipped weapons have no carry weight

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I originally posted this in the general modding help section but it occurs to me I probably should have posted it here in the mod author section. So here's my question if anyone can help a relatively newbie mod maker.


So in the mod I'm currently working on, carry weight is being used as an backpack/pouches inventory capacity system, and as such I want equipped items to not take up any carry weight.

For armor this is a trivial task as I just had to give the player a perk that nullifies carry weight on worn armor.

For weapons however, this is where I'm stuck. I can go through and add a "fortify carry weight" to each weapon for the amount that they weigh, but this is not ideal because I want the players total carry weight to be representative of the total backpack size. Simply setting weapon carry weight to 0 is not an option as I want weapons to take up "space" in backpacks.

Any ideas? Is there some way I can achieve this through a perk? I only really know FO4 Edit.

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Actually, the GMAD forum is exactly the wrong place to post this.


Technical questions about modding a specific game belong in *that* game's forum. (Which, by the way, you didn't identify in your query, so can't tell which one you're asking about. The reference to FO4 might be because it's the game in question, or to explain that you need more help because you're trying to mod another one.)

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Have you tried looking at what you might accomplish through scripting? Perhaps you could add F4SE or SKSE or whatever game you're looking to mod's script extender and look at the extended functionality. I haven't scripted in Papyrus in a while, but I found this page on the wiki that may or may not be helpful: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Weapons


If it's there, I assume it might be modifiable. I could be wrong, however.

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@tjzil; No worries. Topic is now in the correct form.


(Just so you know, Dark0ne specifically asked mod authors NOT to post questions about technical issues there because the wider community who play any particular game a. might know the answer, and b. might benefit from the answer. :cool: )

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I don't think there is a command/script that works for weapon weight. I've looked at more or less every CK guide and FO4Edit guide for the exact same thing a few months ago when I was making one of my mods I recently posted up, and I found the armor weight very easily and quickly, but weapon carry weight seems to be one that can't be changed in the current format outside of changing the base weapon itself.

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Perhaps not, but you can attach spells/enchantments/effects to weapons or other equipment with scripts. Perhaps they could affect the weight (temporarily)?


This is probably the only way to do it.


1. Make an ObjectMod with just the effect fWeight SET 0; Associate it with ap_WeaponMaterial (you might have to make 2, for ap_MeleeMaterial)


2. Attach this simple script to each weapon:

Scriptname lightweapons extends ObjectReference

ObjectMod Property NoWeightMod Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akOwner)



Event OnUnequipped(Actor akOwner)



3. Go into the properties for the script and set NoWeightMod to the weapon mod you made in step 1.

Edited by GenghisKhanX
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I got it right up to the point where I have to edit the properties. I am really new to CK and I'm not understanding the menu for editing properties. When I made the object mod I simply put "NoWeightMod" as the editor ID just for ease.

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Here is the error I'm getting when I try to "add property" and try various things in the boxes.


Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "lightweapons"...
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(18,13): mismatched input 'Property' expecting ID
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(21,10): mismatched input 'Property' expecting FUNCTION
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(0,0): error while attempting to read script lightweapons: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
No output generated for lightweapons, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on lightweapons
*** EDT ***
To clarify, I am on the weapon that I attached the script to, I click on the "lightweapons" script that is in the Scripts window, and press the "properties" button but no properties are actually being show in the pop-up that appears.
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