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3DS --> Oblivion


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I assume there's some sort of exporter for 3ds Max to make files that Oblivion can recognize as objects...


Can someone point me towards a tut that has some more info on this? I don't need a modeling tutorial - just something that goes through the process of exporting a model in the proper format - i.e. does it need to be linked to a reference frame, do textures need to be TIFF, JPG, or have modifiers like ! or %, etc....

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basicly just model the object... import a similiar object... adjust size... remove reference model... export your model to nifskope... open reference model in nifskope and yours too... transfer your nitristrips to the reference model and replace its nitristrips


and not wanting to be offensive but you need a modelling tutorial, maybe not for max but for the basics like texture format is *.dds not jpg, model format *.nif not 3ds, etc

the tuts might cover creating basic stuff in max but they also tell you the valuable oblivion special settings for each thing...


some stuff like armor needs the skeleton.nif as a reference, weapons dont and so on but thats all explained in the tuts...


the above link offers the exporter and everything you need to know

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Mmk - I'll read through that NifTools Wiki and see what I can find there..


I only meant I don't need a modeling tut to teach me how to make stuff in Max - I'm plenty familiar with that - lol. But we'll see what the Wiki says about texturing and stuff. The previous work I've done has been with things where you need to UVW map your object before exporting and add tags and modifiers to the texture AND the model... It looks like things like chairs and benches have tags on them from Max...

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dunno if max is capable of exporting these nodes ( i guess yo refer to the place where you sit down in the end) some you can recreate but some you cant (like the spot you carry your sword)

and ya you need to map the object prior to exporting

modifiers is your choice... if you want em add em :)

material properties id add in nifskope though... just make a basic material in max and export it to nifskope changung stuff like emission or opacity... im not sure in how far maxes mat properties are recognized by oblivion

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