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Looking for Armor/Outfits/Accessories for my character!


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I'm starting a new playthrough since i finally got the seasons pass to fallout 4


my characters backstory is basically she was a criminal (her an nate) but when she got pregnant she and nate got their act together, She was a thief/hacker and Nate was a hitman before he joined the military in exchange for their pasts to be erased, she became a lawyer (yeah, i know how that sounds but hey who better right?)


Anyway once the bombs fell and shaun was kidnapped, nate killed, she kinda lost it a bit and decided to tell life 'f*#@ you' and while she does look for Shaun, she doesn't give a flying damn about the 'common people', she eventually joins the railroad, not because she likes synths, but because it reminds her of her life before she went 'domestic' and even though she never told anyone she craved that life and hated every second she couldn't go back to it


She also joins up with gage and becomes the Overboss


Anyway so she kinda looks like a criminal in her appearance and I am looking for outfits, accessories, armors, and even a new hairstyle that could reflect on that


Here she is:





I would have posted others but nexus website isn't cooperating with me right now so here is a link to more screenshots of her





I'd also like to note that even if you don't think it'd be a good fit for this character please do share what you prefer, i'd like to see what ya use! :)



(Also I already have the overboss outfit, it's just old ya know? need to mix it up a bit with a new outfit)


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As it was mentioned in the other post, Nanosuit 6.2 with the Jetpack and the separate JetpackUpgraded1 mod, if you want to have fun and look cutting edge while doing it.

You will be able to fly, and then rain hell from above, or you can just enjoy the scenery from on high.

You will need to have two legendary perks for acrobat or you will die when you hit the ground, or you could
~ setgs fjumpfallheightmult 0.
The armored suit can be improved with the RR balistic.
~ Set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1; Set RailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone to 0

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actually i was thinking more along the lines of a 'street criminal' look


i'm using the nanosuit for curie and i prefer variety too much to be twins lmao


but thanks for the reply! I really appreciate it :)

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