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Help with simple weapon mod


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Hello modders,


I have made a simple weapon mod following a few tutorials found here and on youtube. You can find it here.




However i have been getting reports of its instability. I was wondering if there is a comprehensive guide or list of things to look for while troubleshooting this issue.


I had tried to match the polycount of the original sword models, so they are pretty low in polys. Nothing that the engine should have trouble with. Also the textures are only 1024 x 1024 but should they be lower res for better stability? Could it be an extra vert or a hole in the model? There shouldnt be any because mudbox usually warns me of that on import. Anyone have any advice?


I have been using Maya to model and UV. I then export to .OBJ and load in Mudbox where i paint and export to Photoshop to create spec and normal maps. I then send it to 3Ds max where i scale it and position it to the default template steelsword.nif, and finally save it out as a .nif to load into nifscope.


If anyone can help or send me in a good place to look i would be greatful. I have almost exahsted my google search abilities looking for anyone that may have had the same issues as me and has found a fix.


Thanks again

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One of the user comments on your mod page says that the game crashes when the sword(s) is/are added to the player's inventory. If that's the case then it has nothing to do with the nifs, it's something about the object's Form. Maybe that user is using some sort of "inventory sorting" mod that is buggy or incompatible?
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