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making a video for your mod?


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So i don't claim to be the smartest person in whiterun, all i ask is a fair chance.


I was making some source videos earlier for an ADEC (NSFW) video i'm working on, and i was lamenting the lack of fine controls and inability to really tweak down the mouse turn speed to something i could control. I've also noticed videos where the videographer was clearly struggling with the same thing.


Then it hit me . . . duh... use the game pad.



1) xbox gamepad

if you don't have one, but do have a standard windows gamepad, you'll first need to make it compatible by using x360ce. It's an emulator that hooks in to your gamepads output and magically makes the game think it's an xbox 360 controller. takes some setup fiddling, but is a well written app/driver.


2) skyrimprefs.ini: find and change


down to someth like 0.05. Change to your own taste. I personally used 0.1. it turned a little fast for my tastes, but the entire range scales... so small movements of the stick translated into very gradual turns.



If you use the sensitivity slider in game, this will be wiped out . . . BUT you can fix it without starting over.

1 -- alt-tab out

2 -- re-edit skyrimprefs.ini

3 -- alt-tab back into the game

4 -- console: refini. Refresh INI . . . it will reload ini values.


3) Console commands:

tfc = Totally Free Camera

sucsm <x> = set the speed of the Totally Free Camera.

sgtm <0..1> = set game time multiplier. scales the speed of the entire game.

Maths: sucsm 1 is exactly walking speed for sgtm .4



Review Studio mod. Big, empty rooms. Perfect for testing crap.

Puppeteer Master mod. Force animations upon the unsuspecting npc.


When i'm done with the video i'll link it here. Even tho i still wound up with over a hundred takes for what will wind up being a 2:00 vid, at least i don't have to use jerky clips.

Edited by monsto
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