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Weird issue when taking objects


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In the cell of a mod I'm working on I noticed that if I take a certain item--e.g. a coffee cup, nearby items disappear for a second and then are visible again. In short, the other nearby items in the scene refresh.


What's up with that ?

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No one has experienced this ?


I thought I'd add that I also notice another phenomenon that might be related: some dynamic objects suddenly disappear and re-appear depending on the angle of view / proximity.


Note: I'm using roombounds, portals, and I'm only up to about 120% of the whole cell--which should not be a problem. There aren't a whole lot of dynamic objects in the cell.

Edited by csbx
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I just wanted to button this up for anyone who finds the thread because they're getting bamboozled by the mysteries of the Creation Kit.


The answer was: 1) 'world / precombine geometry' and 2) 'Visibility / Generate precombine visibility'.


I set up rooms and portals well and thought that was good. But nope. Doing the above resolved my issues.


Now did it raise a few tinier issues ? oh, I mean, of course. But it's vastly vastly improved.

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