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Using behavior files


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I have Joshs Skyrim File Patcher and FNIS Behavior Files installed, and they seem to work for other mods that use their systems. I won't say which... *ahem*


But by their descriptions, with the behavior mods I should be able to play any animation I choose. Am I correct, and if so, can anyone help with how? I want to be able to start/stop things like dance animations to make recording/viewing a hell of a lot easier. And generally to be able to play any animation I choose. All help appreciated with any of this.


I haven't looked into the actual mod construction side of things as yet, but I'm not a techno noob and understand the generalities. Unfortunately, as a lot of the mods come with instructions written by someone for who English isn't their first language, it makes things that little bit harder to understand how to get these things up and running. :)



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It looks like the FNIS Idle Spells, which are optional to the FNIS Behavior files, have skipped your attention. With these you can play any character animation you like, just by copying the animation file under pre-defined names. With the only restriction that you won't see any movement if you choos walk or run animations. In fact the Idle Spells come with Umpa's dance animations as default.


If you want to see how to make them work in a scripted mod, simply look into the Papyrus sources which come with the download.

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