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getdeadcount in a specific quest


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I am building a quest where i need to kill 10 bears, but I am unable to let the game know that I killed 10, Since the getdeadcount seems to calculate the overall deadcount, it doesnt work since I already killed 10 bears in the game, how would I do this?
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I went a little bit forward by following this http://www.creationkit.com/Safely_increment_variable_from_multiple_scripts


So now I have this script


function IncrementDeadbear()
DeadCount = DeadCount + 1 
if DeadCount >= Total


on my quest


I didnt get any errors on this one


Its when I get to the one that I need to put on the actor that problems are starting


Event OnDeath(actor akKiller)
; increment dead count
rpghunt()=GetOwningQuest() as rpghuntingdead



my error code is

...)+ loop did not match anything at input '='



I did exactly as the wiki one but I must be forgetting something or I got it wrong, anyone has any ideas?

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