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Is BIG BROTHER a good idea or not?


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You are all, of course, aware that the patriot act II is coming to a spineless legislature near you? I hear Bush boy is trying to get it passed piecemwal as riders on other bills.



Will Rogers may have never met a man he didn't like, BUT, he never met the shrub.

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Yea I've heard that ALL emails sent across the internet are intercepted and logged in some type of super-computer. This supercomputer then scans all incoming mail for suspicious words or phrases that may be evidence leading to a terrorist organization. These suspicious emails are then categorized and scanned further, and, if you're email is suspicious enough, may be reviewed by a human agent.


For example, if I write these words in an email and send it to a friend...


"Kill, murder, genocide, Bush, President, nuclear, bomb, suicide, gunpowder, biochemical warfare, nerve gase, stab, hijack, steal, mass death, panic, Israel, middle-east, war, United Nations, CIA, Area 51, MI6. etc..."


...my email would probly make it onto one of the critical categories, and possibly, I could be detained for something as little as a speeding ticket, but be secretly charged for having links to terrorist organizations.


Even something as little as....


"The attack starts on monday. Don't forget to bring the van...."


....could put me in prison.


Don't go thinking this is true, it's just a rumour, but, very plausable.

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What you have heard is not a rumor punkfive0, but rather a surveillance program known as "Carnivore." This is program functions essentially as you have described, keying on emails that contain certain sets of specified words. The "American Citizens Have No Rights Act" (aka "Patriot" Act) gives clearance for this program to be utilized large scale on the internet by allowing the government to order ISP's to install this surviellance software. It doesn't touch your computer so they think its not an invasion of privacy....whatever.


Anyway, last I heard it went under when the Pentagon had its creepy "defense" research program, called the Information Awareness Office headed by none other than John Poindexter, which is under the direction of DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency), outed and canned.


Check these links for interesting info:


IAO - Information Awareness Office


DARPA - Defense Advance Research Projects Agency

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