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Damage depends on facing direction


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Hi there Dovahkiins!

I have a very strange bug regarding damage (at least in the damage descriptions) and it's already descriped within topic title. Depending on the direction I am facing the displayed damage of all weapons changes. I think this is already happening for some time, because I had on several occasions the feeling that just a few seconds earlier I saw a different damage.

But this time I realised it while seeing a hunting bow which almost had as much damage as my improved ebony bow. So I did a few checks and came to the conclusion that it really depends on the direction I am facing. However, the field in which the damage is increased is much lower than the field with the normal (?) damage.

It doesn't only change the dmg of weapons lying around but also of those in your inventory and independend of their type.


Somehow as a proof I've included two screenshots of the bow which made me realize this.








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