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would some one please make a script box with rain animations on two of the sides, and a script to go along that makes it stop raining when you go into it, not change the weather just make the rain stop falling, also the rain animation is only there while its raining thanks
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Couldnt you just use the console weather codes that would do the job for removing the rain;


console key (`) then "fw (code)"


replace (code) with any of the following:


"00038EEE" - Clear

"00038EFE" - Cloudy

"00038EEF" - Fog

"00038EEC" - Overcast

"00038EF2" - Rain

"00038EED" - Snow

"00038EF1" - Thunderstorm

"000836D5" - Oblivion Storm

"000370CD" - Camoran Natural

"0000015E" - Natural


Reguards Darkninja Productions

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I'm not exactly sure what you want but I'll take a stab. If you just want the rain to stop like for an open house so it doesn't rain inside I'd make the cell be owned by Player and do something like this(This is untested and just typed in so may not be correct):


short bWasInMyCell


if IsInMyOwnedCell == 1

set bWasInMyCell to 1

if IsRaining > 0

set OverrideWeatherFlag to 1

ForceWeather Overcast


elseif bWasInMyCell == 1 && IsInMyOwnedCell == 0

set OverrideWeatherFlag to 0



If you enter the cell and it's raining it will hopefully force the weather to be overcast instead of rainy and stay that way until you leave the cell then the weather should return to whatever it normally does. Is that kinda what you had in mind?



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As was explained on the Bethsoft forums for the same question you posted there, rain is controlled by a particle system which is attached to the camera. The particle systems are large scale, so even if you attached them to something else somehow, they would still be over any area you wanted to remain "dry". You cannot make it so that rain does not come through things like roofs and plants. That is just how things are setup. Rain isn't havoked, it isn't even an actual entity, it is just a graphic overlay/underlay.
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As was explained on the Bethsoft forums for the same question you posted there, rain is controlled by a particle system which is attached to the camera. The particle systems are large scale, so even if you attached them to something else somehow, they would still be over any area you wanted to remain "dry". You cannot make it so that rain does not come through things like roofs and plants. That is just how things are setup. Rain isn't havoked, it isn't even an actual entity, it is just a graphic overlay/underlay.

ya so what im saying is stop that thing thats attatched to the camara with out makeing it not stormy and have an animation that looks like its raining at the edge of the over hang, that way it wouldn't rain under things but you could look out from the covered place and it would still be "raining"

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and have an animation that looks like its raining at the edge of the over hang, that way it wouldn't rain under things but you could look out from the covered place and it would still be "raining"

And that's the part of it that can't be done. The emitter is not some small area thing, it covers a very large area. Any sort of texture which might emulate that effect wouldn't look right, and would require changes to every single place that has such an overhang. In addition to having to place trigger areas beneath all of them to cause this change. It is no easy task, and even with the amount of time spent on it, the effect wouldn't look very good as anything on a texture would be very flat looking and would cause alpha issues (meaning that you can't place multipe layers of that texture to make it look like rain in the distance).


If it was an easy fix, or was even practical, Bethsoft would have probably already made use of it. What you want cannot be done in the game, not even to some very limited degree (rain in one small spot).

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