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The Geck and DLCs

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Hey guys, I'm fairly new to using the GECK. My question is this: Is it possible to put DLC armo and weapons into the original game through the GECK?


In other words, can I drop me some riot armor (LR) and laser shotguns (DM) into Doc Mitchells house and start a new game? If so, can someone point to a reference or explain how it works? I can do it with the basic NV.esm stuff, but I'm not sure how the DLC works.

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No different.

Load all the DLC esms when you start geck

All the DLC items start with NVDLC0X, where x is the order the DLC came out.

Drag and drop in the render window, or to a container, level list, whatever.


Ah. Thanks! I didn't know you could load all the esms at once.

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